
Alphabet Queenie's Witty Critty City

About Us

Our website, alphabet, is a specially designed reading program that makes learning fun. The learning goals contained in these musical videos are aligned with both State and Common Core Standards. Some of the skills taught through our videos include letter-sound recognition, sound-blending, reading fluency, sight words, and reading comprehension. The songs are designed to bring these skills to the automatic recall level.
All the musical videos incorporate the teaching method of direct, explicit instruction, and the learning style is just plain fun. These musical videos appeal to people of all ages because they are entertaining and educational, and they promote positive values. After teaching the most advanced and the most challenged students for 35 years in the public schools, Helen Marsh-Swett is fulfilling her vision to make learning fun and exciting for everyone. The music is professionally recorded and produced, is of the highest quality, and utilizes many genres. The animation is highly creative, professional, and exquisitely executed. Each video uses a bouncing ball so the children see the lyrics as they sing along. There is a Witty Critter Alphabet Song, which teaches all the alphabet letters and sounds.
Also, each letter of the alphabet has its own full-length, animated song. Each song provides ample practice for each letter, using a wide variety of pneumonic devices.
The story behind Alphabet Queenie’s Witty Critty City is one that engages a child’s attention because the story is like a game. The Alphabet Queen does not want to share her letters and words, and so the Witty Critters create ways to help the children learn. We welcome you to join our exciting adventures in Alphabet Queenie’s Witty Critty City.

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